Japanese College and University Portraits
The National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE), which administers the Japanese College and University Portraits website, strives to continually improve the website’s accessibility in line with JIS X 8341-3 (Japanese Industrial Standards: Guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities–Information and communications equipment, software and services-Part 3: Web content), in the aim that anyone can obtain information comfortably.
We design our website using color combinations that provide a contrast between characters and background in order to improve readability.
We improve the readability of letters by using simple fonts in a legible size.
We use style sheets for the presentation of our website, such as layouts and designs, but we ensure that the content can be seen even when accessed with a browser that cannot read style sheets.
We define the document structure using HTML tags that are suitable for elements, including headers, lists and paragraphs, according to the content of the main text so that the website can be viewed with various web browsers and other supporting technologies.