Japanese College and University Portraits
長崎県立大学 (ながさきけんりつだいがく)
University of Nagasaki
Vision and Mission
Official Website
-Creativity and Humanity
Developing highly creative human resources endowed with a spirit of respect for others and yearning for peace To produce graduates with the ability to respond to rapidly changing trends in society, it is essential to nourish a rich humanity and keen intelligence, based on a spirit of respect for others and the pursuit of peace. Under this philosophy, we combine a well-rounded liberal arts education and a more specialized education to provide a broad range of courses in areas such as economics, international relations, information systems, nursing, and nutrition, thereby producing highly creative specialized professionals who are rich in creativity and equipped with deep insight and high powers of action enabling accurate accommodation of needs in an increasingly complex and diverse society. We also train students in advanced levels of international communication, with an emphasis on English and Chinese-language education, and strive to cultivate individuals who can contribute to the advancement of Asia and the world in general while taking a hand in the development of globalizing societies and regions. On the level of graduate studies, our efforts are devoted to raising degrees of expertise even higher and turning out people possessed of a broad outlook and lofty specialized knowledge capable of pursuing careers as experts in individual areas of specialization. -Regional Innovation Creating new ideas through research rooted in Nagasaki With the conviction that studies should be undertaken toward the goals of assuring respect for humanity, world peace and human welfare, the University constantly strives to refine the methods and substance of research, probe for truth, and create knowledge. We intend to actively promote distinctive research grounded in the geographical, historical, and cultural attributes of Nagasaki, which includes many islands and diverse sea areas and has a long history of exchange with other parts of East Asia, in order to create additional knowledge rooted in the region. In particular, the university places a priority on research related to matters such as human safety/security and peace, outlying islands, and East Asia, in keeping with its intention to function as a hub of knowledge not only in prefectural and national contexts but also in international ones. -Contribution to Society Contributing to the local community and international society based on the University’s total capability Through comprehensive application of the university's available human, material and intellectual resources and organizations, the university is committed to extensive contribution to the improvement of the health and well-being of local residents, promotion of local industries, and creation of new local culture. To this end, we, as a local center of knowledge, are going to actively promote collaboration between industry, academia, and government. We also pursue partnership and cooperation with the community for a flexible and positive-minded accommodation of the diversifying needs of prefectural residents in such respects as lifelong learning and community development. Nagasaki was for a long time Japan's sole window to the West and East Asia, and has a history of dealings with other countries as well as human and cultural ties to the rest of East Asia close by. The university will make the most of these historical and geographical characteristics of Nagasaki in vigorously developing interaction with overseas universities and research institutions, mainly in East Asia, and assisting international economic advancement and cultural enhancement. |
Contact Info (for International Students)
fls@sun.ac.jp |
As of May 1, 2024
Faculty of Business Administration
Faculty of Regional Design and Development
Faculty of Global and Media Studies
Faculty of Information Systems
Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition
Graduate School of Regional Design and Creation
Graduate School of Human Health Science
As of May 1, 2024
Overall Income
Gift, Grant and Contract Income
Competitive External Research Funds
Number of Full-time Academic Staff/Faculty Members
Total Enrollment
International Students |
Local Students |
12 | 3,196 |
Undergraduate Enrollment
International Students |
Local Students |
4 | 3,082 |
Graduate Enrollment
International Students |
Local Students |
8 | 114 |
Institutional Accreditation
Program Accreditation
Main Campus
佐世保校 858-8580 長崎県佐世保市川下町123, Nagasaki Google MapSchools: Faculty of Business Administration , Faculty of Regional Design and Development |
Facilities and Services
シーボルト校 851-2195 長崎県西彼杵郡長与町まなび野1-1-1, Nagasaki Google MapSchools: Faculty of Global and Media Studies , Faculty of Information Systems , Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition , Graduate School of Human Health Science |
Facilities and Services
Academic Support
Cultural Experience Opportunities
Halls of Residence/Dormitories provided
Employment Opportunities
Physical and Mental Health Support (for International Students)
Facilities and Services
Disability Support Services
Crisis Management